Configure Webpack to Work with React Universal Component

Tim Kindberg
InstructorTim Kindberg

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We’ll make the webpack configuration changes needed to get universal components working. We'll go from a typical webpack configuration to a "universal" webpack configuration. We'll need two webpack configs—one for the client and one for the server. Each config needs several specific changes to be made to get universal working.

Ruslan Zaytsev
Ruslan Zaytsev
~ 7 years ago

If I understand correctly, to make RUC work in production consumer needs to use webpack in production?

Tim Kindberg
Tim Kindberginstructor
~ 7 years ago

@Ruslan Yes, at least that's the only way I've seen it done. Here is another way showing how they handle production differently than development

Ruslan Zaytsev
Ruslan Zaytsev
~ 7 years ago

@Ruslan Yes, at least that's the only way I've seen it done. Here is another way showing how they handle production differently than development Thanks for a reply.

Alex Kovacs
Alex Kovacs
~ 6 years ago

Would be great if you explain how did you get to a certain configuration and why. This tutorial is great, however it is hard to deviate from the steps, as we are not told why you do certain actions. Why did you use a certain plugin and not another compatible one? Why do you need a plugin and not write one, etc. as, if all we can do is follow blindly and add plugins without no knowing why, we did not understand this tutorial to graduate from it.