Express CSS with JavaScript Objects for CSS-in-JS Notation

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When using JavaScript string templates to define styles in CSS-in-JS, there is a lot of interpolation syntax noise.

In this lesson, you will start with a CSS-in-JS string and walk through how to remove excess noise from the style declarations by using JavaScript Object Notation. We will build a small utility function that will convert the style object we declare to a string that can be applied to our HTML.

Instructor: We have implemented the css-in-js button. Here, we have our css rule, we import variables, we import mixins, and we use these variables and mixins. When I look at this declarations block, I see a lot of noise.

This interpolation syntax is all over the place. Let's try to make it more readable by using JavaScript objects. First of all, let's create an object. JavaScript object literal is created by using curly braces.

We create a constant with name css, and we assign our new object to this constant. Now, we can declare our selector. Selector in this case is a property of css object. We assign a value to this selector key.

This value is also an object. We can write our declaration block. Key values in an object look almost like our css declaration block. There are few differences, though. One important difference is that not every character is allowed.

If we need to use unallowed characters, we have to use quotes. In case of our selector, . and - are not allowed. Color can be used without quotes. As we are not using a template string anymore, we don't have to use this declarations index.

We can use JavaScript variables and primitives directly. This makes our syntax a little bit cleaner. A problem we have now is that we cannot use textContent property in order to use our css object.

TextContent accepts a string only. We have to convert this css object to a css string. Let's create a utility function, which converts our object to a css string. Let's name this utility function, toCssString.

We use this function and pass our css object to it. We receive css object as an argument, and we have to convert this object to a string. Let's create a variable result and assign an empty string to it.

Let statement allows us to change the value of this variable over time. Let's iterate over our css object. For statement allows us to iterate over the properties of an object. It will iterate over the css object and assign its keys to a selector constant.

In order to build the first line of our css string, we need to add a curly brace to our selector, because our selector constant is just this string. Then we add this to our results string.

Now, we have this part of our rule ready, and we need the declarations. We iterate over the declarations block object. We use the declarations object, and we assign each declaration property to a property constant. Then, we take this property and add a colon to it.

We add a value, and then we add a semicolon. We add the result to our results string. We just built a css declaration which looks like this. We add a closing curly brace to the result, and we return the result.

Return statement identifies the result of the function. Now, textContent property will receive a css string, because we call our toCssString function, and it converts our css object to a css string.