Write Your First Cypress Integration Test

Brett Cassette
InstructorBrett Cassette

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Learn how to target the elements on your UI, interact with them, and make assertions on their state.

Recommended Homework:

  • Write a test that creates a new todo and asserts that the todo is present on the DOM
  • Write a test that finishes a todo, and asserts that the todo shows as completed
~ 6 years ago

An FYI for anyone who may have already another app running on port 3000 (which is the same port as the API). This will cause the GET to return a 404, so be sure to kill any other app that's using this port

Brett Cassette
Brett Cassetteinstructor
~ 6 years ago

Good call, Dan. It's a common port to run an app on, so make sure it's free! You can always configure this in the package.json file. In later episodes in the series, you'll see both a dev and test environment running separately in that file, and can configure it all to your fancy.